Senshi Name: Sailor Star Capricorn
Human Name: Ange Agoniser
Meaning: Near Death Angel
Element of Influence: Silence and Destruction
Hair: Dark purple with grayish black bangs around her chin.
Hairstyle: wavy and to the shoulder
Eyes: Purple
Height: 5'1
Weight: 100
~Senshi fuku~
Tiara: sliver sides with a dark purple gem in the center.
Chocker: Black
Collar: light purple with purple stripes
Bodysuit: Black
Bows: dark purple, super in back
Locket: Dark Purple diamond
Gloves: black with purple rings
Skirt: top is dark purple, bottom is black outlined in light purple trim
Shoes: Dark purple pumps with ankle strap
Belt: eternal style and purple
Sleeves: 3 wings and purple
Black Energy!: She slices her scythe though the ground and a large black energy beam slices out from the ground at the target.
Demona Slave!: She raises her scythe into the air and brings it down into the ground. A circle of black light surrounds her feet and blasts upwards. She charges out from the energy and brings her scythe down upon the opponent, then leaps out of the way. Wherever she touched the target the energy that she forms strikes it there and explodes on impact.
Dragon Spiral!: She raises her scythe into the air and the Capricorn symbol glows brightly and blasts a large beam of energy at the target.
Capricorn Scythe: A long 5 foot black shaft with two silver blades sticking out from the right side of the top. It has the symbol of Capricorn engraved on the first blade.
Ange is the sister of Feu. She was born a week later than when she was due, and she came out very sickly. She took a lot of medicine and stayed in bed for almost all her childhood. Her health finally cleared up when she was around 11 and she went outside for the first time. She became instant friends with Sora Mizuno and lived a fairly happy life. But one day when she was coming home from school she was mugged. Ange's eyes turned red as she blasted the mugger into almost nothing. She fell into a coma and awakened around her 15th birthday. When Sora's mother died she was there for Sora to comfort her during the hard times.
She is quiet and mostly keeps to herself. She enjoys music and painting. She is the exact opposite of her sister, Feu.
~Neo Star Powers~
“Neo Star Capricorn Arise!”-
Tiara: Purple gem in the center.
Choker: Purple
Collar: Purple with two black stripes
Bodysuit: Black
Bows: Black
Locket: Purple circle star
Gloves: Purple with purple bands
Skirt: Purple
Shoes: Black tight high boots
Sleeves: Purple Super style