Name: Sailor Star Taurus
Full Formal Name: Ranmyaku Kiku
Meaning: Fear of chaos
Goes by: Kiku
Age: 19
Home.Planet: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Sign: Taurus
Blood.Type: AB
Hair: Black
Hairstyle: Two braids down to the floor
Eyes: Light Green
Height: 5’8’’
Skin Tone: Lightly Tanned
Race: Unknown
Siblings: None
Favourite.Colour(s): Purple, Black, Green
Least.Favourite.Colour(s): Orange and Yellow
Favourite.Subject(s): Science
Least.Favourite.Subject(s): Art
Best.Friend(s): Kaze Chikara
Dream: To be a famous singer
Fear: Water
Strong.Point: Leader
Weakness: Guys
Power of Influence- Earth and Stone
On the side of her right thigh is a birthmark of a running bull. Around her left upper arm in a tattoo of a ring of stones from her days in the gang where she was considered as tough as rock and that she would never crack. She is usually seen wearing a black mini skirt with two slits up the side and a black tank top with a green see threw blouse over it. On her right hand is a silver bracelet and around her neck is a purple choker. She also has her belly button pierced.
Kiku is a very quite person and keeps to herself most of the time. She is very kind when you get to know her and she will do anything for a friend. On occasions she has even risked her life for them.
Kiku grew up in and orphanage and has no memory of her parents or any family. She ran away when she was 6 and lived on the streets of the city until she was 10. She was then in a gang until she was 14, when she ran away from that. This hardened her tremendously. It wasn’t until her best friend from the gang was killed that Kiku realized she was living her life all wrong. She then met a man, not extremely much older then her, and fell in love. He left her to join an army of fighters, and she never forgave him for it. She joined a church group where she met her best friend Kaze and now lives with her, and the twins Kuro and Shiro, in a mansion/training facility near the north side of the city.
Bull Dozer- A richly carved blade of pure silver. The hilt is made fully of emerald. On both sides of the blade are small emeralds that are formed in the outline of the Zodiac symbol of Taurus.
Star Taurus Make Up! – Stone and earth build up around her and form a solid pillar around her. A mint green mist form around her inside the hollow pillar and forms her fuku. Her sword then appears in her hand and she busts threw the pillar fully transformed with a picture of a black glowing bull behind her.
Skirt: Regular hunter green skirt with a huge slit up to her hip on her right side.
Body Suit: Black, Stops a ways above her stomach, showing her whole mid drift much like a tube top.
Collar: Hunter green with a stripe of transparent purple outlining the edge.
Boots: Thigh high black boots with mint green ribbons tied around the ankles. The tops of the boots are cut all the way around with jagged points, like a saw.
Gloves: None, mint green ribbons run up her arm to her shoulder.
Tiara: The symbol of Taurus in glowing green on her forehead.
Choker: Two thin strips, one black one purple
Bows: None
Locket: None
Extras: At the top of her skirt right in front is a silver “v” look takes the appearance of horns. The ends stick out past her hips and are very sharp.
"Rock 'n' Roll"--A dozen rocks of various sizes begin to float around Taurus.
She then takes these stones and propels them at her foe(s).
"Faultline"--She slams her fist into the ground, causing the area around her
to suffer an earthquake.
"Earthen Protector"--calling on the properties of earth, Taurus reduces the
damage suffered by her and her allies for a limited time.
“Taurus Steamroller” – She crosses her arms in an “x” fashion. All but her index fingers are in a tight fist. In between her index fingers, lighting strikes form the sign of Taurus. She then flings them out to her sides, sending the sign of Taurus at her opponent. As it gets closer, it takes on the form of a life size running bull of energy. This attack can do extreme damage or complete destruction.
“Neo Star Taurus Arise!”